JOC Training Courses
You can't do the job without the right tools
or worse yet not knowing how to use them!
1-Hour Session for Owners wanting to become JOC users in the U. S.
Course 1005
Find out the 7 reasons why most Owners embrace the process:
Widely accepted/used in the public sector
Offers Owners a chance to use contractor’s input
Performance based vs low bid
Chance for long-term relationship 3 to 5 years
Better pricing likely-mutual trust scenario
Win-win project environment
Relationship based & great staff training vehicle
Course Content:
What is Job Order contracting?
Where did it come from?
How long has it been around?
How is it implemented?
Why JOC for Owners?
Walk away with a clear understanding of how JOC will benefit your organization; How you can save time and money and become more efficient by implementing a JOC program; How you can implement a JOC program that is affordable and sustainable; How you will always have a support system that will ensure the success of your JOC program.
1-Hour Session for Contractors wanting to join the industry in the U.S.
Course 2007
Find out the 7 Reasons why most Contractors embrace the process:
Widely accepted/used in the public sector
Offers contractors a chance to grow
Performance based vs “running with the pack”
Better chance for long term work 3 to 5 years
Better margins available
Win-win project environment
Relationship based & great training vehicle
Course Content:
What is Job Order contracting?
Where did it come from?
How long has it been around?
How is it procured?
Why JOC for contractors?
Walk away with a clear understanding of how JOC will grow your business; How you can create long term repeat business with a JOC program; How you can procure JOC business: How you can implement a JOC program and receive full training and support, that is affordable and sustainable;
Contact us for further details about these courses as well as full training and software availability